Mittwoch, 18. März 2015

AnyMeeting Sets Up Conference Calls in Minutes with One Email [feedly]

AnyMeeting Sets Up Conference Calls in Minutes with One Email
// Lifehacker

Love them or hate them, setting up conference calls can be just as bad as sitting on one. A new feature from AnyMeeting, one of our favorite video chat services , makes the setup part easy. Just CC them on an email or calendar invite, and it replies with call info and link to join, right from your phone.



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Dienstag, 17. März 2015

Freitag, 13. März 2015

Pi-Tag – Wikipedia


Der Pi-Tag (engl. Pi Day) ist ein inoffizieller Feiertag, der zu Ehren der Kreiszahl Pi abgehalten wird.

Er findet jedes Jahr am 14. März statt und geht zurück auf die US-amerikanische Datumsschreibweise3/14 oder die ISO-Schreibweise -3-14, denn der numerische Wert von π auf zwei Dezimalen gerundet ist 3,14. Besonders genaue Anhänger dieses Tages feiern um 1 Uhr 59 und 26 Sekunden und erreichen die Kreiszahl damit bis zur siebten Nachkommastelle, 3,1415926. Als Begründer dieser Tradition gilt Larry Shaw, der den Pi Day1988 am Exploratorium in San Francisco initiierte, wo er seitdem jährlich begangen wird.[1] 2009 wurde auch in den USA der 14. März vom US-Kongress zum offiziellen Nationaltag für die Kreiskonstante Pi erklärt.[2]


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Donnerstag, 12. März 2015

Test Your Awareness : Whodunnit?

Dieses interessante Video habe ich auf YouTube gefunden:

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Meetings Are Usually Terrible, But YC-Backed WorkLife Aims To Change That [feedly]

Meetings Are Usually Terrible, But YC-Backed WorkLife Aims To Change That
// TechCrunch

worklife I'm guessing you have been in a meeting that made you hate your life. You know, where one or two people drone on and on, half of the attendees seem to be talking past each other, and at the end no one's sure what's been decided or who's responsible for doing what. Well, a startup called WorkLife has built tools designed to make meetings better. Read More


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Callr Releases A Mobile App To Make Conference Calls Less Of A Hassle [feedly]

Callr Releases A Mobile App To Make Conference Calls Less Of A Hassle
// TechCrunch

callr-01 Callr has solved at least some of those problems — namely the need to search for, find, and dial those elusive conference call numbers yourself. And now it has mobile apps that will make it even easier for you to manage calls you're scheduled to make. Read More


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Mittwoch, 11. März 2015

Google Calendar Finally Arrives on the iPhone

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Lifehacker Google Calendar Finally Arrives on the iPhone

iPhone: Google released its Google Calendar app for iPhone today. Like the Android version, you can quick access to Gmail events, easy event creation, and a few different views to check out your schedule.
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